Friday, October 3, 2008

And we're done

The House is officially adjourned until 9:00a.m. on Saturday, January 3rd, 2009. Lord willing, I'll be back on the Hill in a new member office ready to take on the 111th.

Was the 110th Congress successful? That remains to be seen and depends on who you ask.

I've got to tell you, though, it's been an exciting couple of months on the Hill.

The Bailout: Round Two

The House is voting on the Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments. So basically the bailout. Let's see what the House does...

There needs to be 218 votes - a simple majority - for the bill to pass. We're thinking that the bill would pass for two main reasons. One, no way in hell would leadership bring the bailout bill back for a vote unless they had enough support. Two, the way Nancy Pelosi looked today. On Monday, she looked tired, haggard, and unkempt - a sign of defeat. Today she came to the floor to speak and her appearance was way different. She was put together, energetic, and enthusiastic. She must know something.


The House passed the bailout bill 263 to 171. Leadership got what they wanted. Time will tell if this will help us out or not. All I know is that $700 billion is a lot of money...

Members on the floor watching the vote.

Acting Speaker Ellen Tauscher (CA-D) strikes the gavel to close the vote.

Final vote: YEA 263, NAY 171

Thursday, October 2, 2008

No shame

This is a picture of the Code Pink Ladies staging a "die-in" in Sen. Obama's office. I tell you what, these "ladies" sure cross the line as far as political activism is concerned. I'm all for taking an active role in the political process, but I think there's a line and once you cross it, your argument is no longer taken seriously. But kudos to them for color coordinating.

Photo courtesy of Roll Call.

Take notes Joe and Sarah

This is what a real vice presidential debate looks like. Are you paying attention Joe Biden and Sarah Palin? Two smart, articulate people debating the issues. Don't dumb this down tonight folks. I want a smart debate.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Really people???

I understand that this whole bailout situation that Congress is voting on is kind of a big deal and people are worried about the future. I totally get that. But I don't think that's a good enough reason for people to be assholes on the phone. I'm a person too and this whole situation affects me as well. So take a breath, calm down, and talk to me like you're an adult who's mother actually taught them manners. Maybe then I'll actually pass your comments on to the Congressman.

Oh, and really, you can't give me the city in Arizona that you're from??? It's not like I'm going to track you down and stalk you. Are you not giving me that information because you're maybe NOT FROM OUR DISTRICT??? Yeah, that's what I thought. Call Gabbi.


I love it when constituents make threats. Here's my favorite: someone from say Phoenix calls and says, "tell the Congressman to vote no on this bill, otherwise he can count on me NOT voting for him." Oh I just laugh. First of all, silly, you can't vote for him. You're not in his distract. Hahahahahah. Second, even if you were in his district, he's not running again. Double hahahha. Oh silly, uninformed, non-constituents and your empty threats. You're gonna want to call Raul or Harry. K thanks, bye!