Thursday, February 5, 2009

Economic turmoil affects actors

I had a dream last night. Definitely not as profound as Dr. King's. I must be craving Wendy's or something because in my dream my friends and I specifically sought out a Wendy's. Now this must be a sign of how bad the economy is doing because working back in the kitchen was Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope) and John Heard (Home Alone). Why those two people, I haven't the foggiest. But there they were, and not even doing that well. I think they were about to get fired when we came in for burgers and fries.


Andrew Meeusen said...

I'm thinkin' Arby's.

Anonymous said...

Very random!! I had a dream that my friend got contracted to do plays during the summer and she was in one with Renee and I was so jealous of her! haha