Monday, September 8, 2008


...recess is over. Now it's back to work. We've got three weeks straight of legislative business. The Democrat Leadership is hoping to convene the 110th Congress on September 26th, which means I've got the entire fall/winter to play around before I have to get real serious about a new job in January. And boy do I have plans for the next couple of months.


Leah said...


Andrew Meeusen said...

Good luck with finding your own new job come November, and in the meantime, have fun for the rest of the year!

In response to your other comments on my page:

Schweikert's chances are probably not too good. I haven't seen anything resembling polling in the race yet, but I would imagine in this political climate that Mitchell has a good chance of holding the CD-5 seat. My hope is that Sydney Hay can pull out a victory in CD-1, which I hear is going to be a tight race.

Also, I did look into the White House, but haven't yet heard back from them, so I've been declining to speculate about anything there until later on. What I'd really love is just for someone to give me a chance in the interview process, because right now, the only thing this online applying culture is good for is ignoring people.

I also heard you were in Arizona recently; I hope you had fun! I wish we could've gotten together for some tennis or lunch or something. Perhaps if I can make it out to DC, that'll be something to do, eh?

Have a great afternoon!