Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally Friday Music Clip(s) of the Day: The "Deuce" Edition

It's the middle weekend of the US Open and I'M GOING!!! I've been a huge tennis fan since high school. I have no idea why, but it's the only sport that I can consistently watch on tv and really get into it. And now I'm finally going to an Open. Two of the roommates are joining me on this super quick trip to NY, and although we will probably be in a bus for more time than we'll actually be at the Open, I don't care! Because it'll be awesome!

So in the spirit of tennis, I found these quirky tunes.
The Tennis Song - Red, White and Green

I'm not really a Roger fan, but this song rhymes "Federer" with "sweaterer" so I couldn't resist.

I am a Rafa fan so this song was going to make the cut anyway, but props to them for rhyming "Mallorca" and "New Yorka" - not a total stretch, but still.

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