Thursday, December 10, 2009

Remembering Christmas, Day 6: Shawl we sing?

I don't know if public schools still have Christmas programs. Or do they call them holiday programs now? Well, back in my day when I was a grade schooler, we had Christmas programs. We sang about the baby Jesus and harked to Angels and wisssshed (because kids can't just wish) people a Merry Christmas and life was good.

These Christmas programs were held in the evening so all the parents could attend. I remember pulling into the parking lot at Desert Valley Elementary School and walking to the auditorioum. We sang our programs and "click, click, clicked" to our hearts' content. I think we had a Christmas program every year in elementary school, so most of the programs run together and I can't tell you what song was sung in what grade.

I was in grade school in the early 90's, and I believe that my mother's wardrobe reflected that. For instance, my mom was a wearer of shawls. Do people still wear shawls these days? I remember wearing that shawl to one of the Christmas programs. I don't know if I had taken it from my mom and left her to freeze in the cold Bullhead City winter eve or if it was a prearranged agreement. But I wore the shawl and it was brown and had little hangy fringe things, and I'm sure I was wearing white leggings because I wore those a lot back in the day. And a Santa hat. There was definitely a Santa hat on my head. And maybe a side pony because it was the early 90's.

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