Thursday, December 10, 2009

Remembering Christmas, Day 7: That perfect tree

Remember Aunt Stana and her larger-than-life Christmas trees from Day 4? One year we got to experience the hunt for the perfect tree with Aunt Stana and Uncle Charles. It was awesome!

I was born and raised in sunny Arizona in the part of the state where the weather was stereotypical of Arizona, hot, dry and hot, hot, HOT! No snow and barely cold. My dad got a permit to cut down a tree out in Williams somewhere - I'm pretty sure we were near the Grand Canyon, perhaps the North Rim, but I could be terribly wrong. Maybe the permit was for the Kaibab forest. I don't know. But we had a permit and a hodge podge of "winter" clothes to keep warm.

When you're young, traveling places always seem further away than they really are. Going to Williams was a big deal for me. It was so far! And so magically covered in snow. What joy to pop out of the truck and just jump around and leave my footprints in the snow - a mark that I had been there! We searched around for the perfect tree. Our "perfect" was much smaller and easier to manage than what Aunt Stana had in mind. It took several hands to load up Aunt Stana's tree onto the truck once she found 'the one.'

Speaking of hands, mine were freezing. Mom let me use her tan Isotoner gloves which looked all too sleek and fancy for playing in the snow, but that didn't stop me. I don't think Kevin was on this trip. I probably would've played more in the snow if he had been there.

When we headed back, we stopped by Aunt Stana's house before heading back to our place. I don't know how much of the top was cut from her tree - probably enough to make a respectable 2 footer for a small apartment. Can you just smell the pine? And hear the crunch of the snow...?