Friday, April 4, 2008

Great times on the ski lift

This is the greatest vid I have ever seen. As a skier/snowboarder, I can totally relate to this guy and all the random thoughts that pop in your head as you sit on the lift. Especially if it's a weekday and not many people are on the mountain so you get the lift all to yourself and you're just sitting there amongst nature's awesomeness thinking "what happens if I fall? How bad would that hurt? Would I break my legs or could I land it just right so I could board down without any problems? Man, it's really cold."

This video makes me miss Flagstaff so much. I moved to DC right when they were getting hit with these awesome snow storms so I've missed a whole season of great boarding and random thoughts. Sigh... Anywho, the video was made by a Telluride regular. This is his website:

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