Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A night on the town

This event took place March 14th.

Torrey knows a guy who works for a cancer foundation. His company was having a dinner gala thing and invited us to come along. Torrey and I went back and forth on if we'd go. We decided not to, but Tor's friend called and said he'd be disappointed if we didn't go. So we went. I asked Tor what I should wear. He said black tie in DC means whatever you wore to work. Okay Torrey…

Torrey decided to rent a tux and at this point, I'm freaking out because I have two days to find an acceptable dress. Mel to the rescue! I emailed her and asked if she had a dress I could borrow. I tore through her closet and pulled out all her fancy dresses. Luck was on my side because the first dress fit perfectly. It was a black halter with beading under the bust line. So what I thought was going to take hours only took 30 minutes. So I met Torrey at the Sewall-Belmont house for a pre-St. Patrick's day event. Free food and Guinness! Heck yeah!

I met Torrey and his friend's boyfriend at the National Building Museum – a gorgeous and ginormous building. We went in and thank goodness I didn't listen to Torrey about his black tie theory because the ladies brought out their finest. We mingled for several minutes, sipped champagne, munched on exotic hors d'oeuvres, and gossiped about people.

It was time to be seated for dinner. Turkey was the host country for the event, so the décor was Ah-MAZING! Deep reds and gold with lavish table settings and tents. It was beautiful! We had a pretty decent table with the head of wine and spirits. The only problem, our table didn't exist. So they set us at the "kiddy table" in the very back corner. I think we had more fun that way and there was a girl there that I had met through the national College Republicans 3 years ago. Small world. Dinner was interesting. I ate crab and lamb – two things I normally don't eat.

After dinner, Paul, the friend's bf asked if I wanted to dance. I prefaced the acceptance with a disclaimer about my dancing skills. They're non-existent. I eventually got Torrey on the dance floor and we twirled around for a few songs. It was soooo much fun. I think the glasses of champagne with dinner helped to loosen me up a bit.

Afterwards, the boys wanted to go to Dupont, so I hung around for a drink. I got the ultimate compliment when I gay guy said I looked "fabulous," even though the guy carding us at the door said we looked like we just came from the prom. Whatevs. I popped myself in a cab and headed home.

I'm glad we decided to go because it turned out to be a great evening. Good food (kinda weird though) good friends, and good times.

Torrey, me, and Paul in our "Prom" attire.

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