Monday, April 7, 2008

There’s gonna be a showdown!

There’s a mouse in our house, and right now it’s in my room. I first had an encounter with this mouse several weeks ago. I was almost face-to-face with the little varmint when I was leaning down to grab a piece of fruit from the lower pantry. I didn’t have my contacts in so I only saw a little gray thing scurry across the floor and behind the couch. That’s the last I saw of it. However, lying in bed some nights, I swore I heard some weird noises. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was exactly, so instead of freaking myself out, I convinced myself that it was the wind blowing the flags against my window.

Fast forward to today. I’m sitting on my bed watching a dvd and all of a sudden, this mouse comes scurrying through a small opening between my door and the wall and goes right behind my book case. I freak out. What else am I supposed to do? So I sit there for a while, a little pissed because I was really into the dvd, and a little overcome with the heebie jeebies. I can’t sleep in my room now. Not knowing there is a mouse in there. So after a good solid thirty minutes of freaking out and several phone calls to mom and friends, I muster up the cajones to grab my shoes, which are right next to the bookcase, and head over to CVS for something to take care of my little problem.

I grabbed some food on the way home because I was not going to eat there tonight. I took a couple of detours to prolong this showdown I was to have with the other creature dwelling in my room. After an hour and a half, I made it home. I’m standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking into my room and at this very moment, the mouse decides to poke its head out. I medium freak out and now I’m sitting on the couch in the living room. I’m sleeping in Mel’s bed tonight since she’s out of town for the week. We’ll see how things unfold over the next couple of days. In the meantime, I’m putting my faith in a piece of cheese and a mousetrap that’s reminiscent of Tom and Jerry. This could get interesting…


Andrew Meeusen said...

You do realize that Jerry ALWAYS won the contest between Tom and himself, right? Lol... better that it's just a harmless mouse than the brown recluse spider infestation that McConnell Hall had/has! YUCK!

Leah said...

Oh my goodness, ewwww!! I'd be freakin out too! Mice are cute-ish I guess, when in a cage....but scurrying around your room? Not so much! Good luck getting rid of it!