Friday, February 1, 2008

The Harry Potter House and other amusing muses

I have got to have the coolest address ever! I call it my Harry Potter House because it's got the whole "Platform 9 3/4" thing going on. My room is about the size of a closet and if it was under the stairs, I would have everyone address mail sent to me as such: 518 1/2 Pennsylvania Ave NE*, the closet under the stairs. So write me at the Harry Potter address; I love getting mail.

I will probably always look like a tourist in this town. Everyone else walks sooo fast, looking straight forward. I'm just bumbling along (shout out to Sam: remember the Bumbler?) looking this way and that at EVERYTHING. The Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Archives, etc, etc, etc. I don't think this city will ever lose its charm to me. DC at night - enough said.

I can fit a lot of crap into a 94 square foot room. There's just not much room for me.

There is a lamp in this house that is possessed. I walk by, and it turns on. I touch it to turn it off and it turns off, then back on again. I seriously stood at the lamp for like 5 minutes trying to turn it off.

Five girls with one refrigerator - never gonna happen. Never.

I never realized how much I would miss cable tv until it was gone. Farewell "Ace of Cakes." I salivate no more. Addio Mike Rowe in your tight jeans on "Dirty Jobs." By y'all to CMT and GAC. And all those mindless reality shows on E an Vh1. Dearest Stacy and Clinton, I shall miss you the most. Here's hoping that I'll never forget "What not to wear." Lord knows I would have needed you most in the stylish setting of our nation's capital.

I miss the Peaks already. Just as I leave, it snows. Definitely won't be boarding or skiing much out here. My old room had a direct view of the snow-capped mountain. This room, well, let's just say a room with a view it is not.

Drinks tomorrow at Old Ebbs w/ a WH buddy, a colleague and a college chum. Which, by the by, I ran into said college chum last night as I was walking from the Harry Potter homestead to the Washington Monument. I always run into him when I least expect it. It makes me feel like I know people here. And that's a good feeling.

* This is not actually my address in case any stalkers are out there. Wait, um actually, that is my address. Come find me there.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I'm SOOO happy for you! I can't believe you are in DC! So is this a forever thing? Call me sometime so we can catch up.