Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I "Urban Dare" You!

My friend is coming to DC in April and I asked him what was bringing him from Arizona to DC. He told me it was the Urban Dare. I checked out the website and it looks pretty cool. It's a mini Amazing Race and you join forces with a buddy to answer clues, compete in dares, and take random photos.

Mel and I are definitely going to do the one here in DC. We are pretty flippin excited! It's not till mid April, but that will at least give us some time to freshen up on DC lore.

They have locations for the race scheduled throughout the country so check that website out if you love a mini adventure. Check out their blog for some exciting recaps of various dares.


Kevino said...

at Urban Dare DC on April 19,, we will attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the largest 3 legged race.

chelsea said...

You heard it here first folks!