Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Open Dialogue Blog

So I've been keeping this blog for about two weeks now, and I just want to make sure everything is hunky-dory for all of my readers. (I think there's about three of you:)

Anywho, is it easy on the eyes? Someone made a comment that the color scheme made it difficult to read. Anybody else having that problem? Do you have any questions on any of the content? I'm more than happy to clarify or give further detail on anything, especially since I'm throwing out a bunch of DC jargon.

So faithful readers, what's working? What's not? What do you want to know?

In the meantime, read on!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chelsea - glad you're having so much fun out there in DC land! I am enjoying reading your stories very much. Maybe I'll be out there someday making memories too....

As for your color scheme, I can read it very easily - as good, if not better than black on white.

Good luck with the Uber-slick marble floors.... I know I slipped at least once in tennis shoes, so I can only imagine for you!


Anonymous said...

Of course it's me, who else would complain about something like that?
STILL very hard to read, thanks.

"Al Gore is so dull that his secret service code name is "Al Gore".

chelsea said...

Andrew: glad you're enjoying the blog. I go back and forth on the color scheme...we'll see. But at least you aprove:)

Anonymax: Only you would have problems reading it. The jokes give you away.