Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jumping right in

If you know me, then you know I'm not a quiet person. If you don't know me, you've probably heard me anyways. Let's just say that "three inch voice" is not a concept I grasped in middle school. So couple that with thin walls and a roommate that goes to bed at 10, and we've got issues. I'm easily excited and very animated, and that generates to a voice that is very audible. I just can't help it.

So it's day three on the job. I'm loving every minute of it. I loved working for the Congressman back in Arizona, but I was the only one in the office, so it's awesome being in his office here, surrounded by all these people. And it's such a great group of people. I know it's such a cliche, but we really are one big family. Every one gets along splendidly. Someone is always teaching another a new trick or providing additional information. The working dynamic is truly amazing. I'm a bit bummed that the Congressman isn't running for re-election, because this is a group of extremely talented individuals who make one helluva team. I just feel so fortunate to be able to work here in DC with them all and learn from them.

On Monday, I went on a tour of the Capitol (done this before but I had time to kill) and we ran into Steny Hoyer (D-MD) giving a tour to some people. I'm sure he was taking them up to the dome since only members are allowed to take people up there. So that was my first sighting. I'm going to help give tours when they start picking up, so I will be quite familiar with the Capitol by summer's end. Right now I'm just doing a bunch of random stuff, helping out where I can. I've been to a press briefing and also a whip briefing and will sit in a meeting concerning wind energy in AZ. Not bad for a first week.

The hours aren't always consistent, but it's nice to mix it up. Monday and Tuesday were casual jean days from 10-4 and today was 9-6:45 because of suspension votes. I think we'll have longer hours in March when we start dealing with appropriations, but Congress is on recess for a week in February so it's back to 10-4's.

Thank God I'm a flexible and adaptable person, because this has really been an easy transition. I'm sure it also helps that I already knew everyone at the office and I have a handful of really good friends in the district, plus I'm living with one of my best friends. I'm not so thrilled about the weather, though. It's been drizzling most of this week which does a number on my hair. It was 68* today - absolutely ludicrous, and I missed the big snows in Flagstaff. The weather is probably going to be the one thing that I have the biggest issue with. Not looking forward to the summer. Ughhhh....Everything else I'm loving!

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