Monday, February 4, 2008

"Someone left that (rice) cake out in the rain"

Some poor, unfortunate fool left their rice cakes outside in the rain on Friday. I walked by several times and they were still there. I found it amusing…and it made me think of that song.

I met up w/ some friends to grab a few drinks Friday night to kick off my first full weekend in the district. After two beers, we headed to DuPont Circle and went to a gay bar. I’ve got to say, it’s not what I expected. I totally pictured men in spandex go-go outfits and a huge disco ball and some Gloria Gaynor anthem playing in the background. It was just like any other bar, except the other girl in our group and I were two of probably four girls in the bar. And all the guys seemed to be wearing tight shirts. It’s fun to look when you know they won’t touch. J

After a drink, we left our buddy at the gay bar and headed to a bar by the Eastern Market. I met some Irish dude who didn’t like my name because he’s a huge Manchester United fan. The Europeans and their soccer…but I love it! I’m definitely going to try and get on a team out here. The Flagstaff girls had a game this weekend and I miss playing w/ them already.

Saturday was awesome. Mel and I went to a line-dancing bar out in Alexandria. I felt like I never left Arizona. Will definitely be going back to that place. I knew I should have brought my Western shirts.

I finally got my bed on Sunday so I’m no longer sleeping on the air mattress and my room finally looks like a room.

Grocery shopping out here is an experience. The sticker shock alone is enough to drive someone to diet. I don’t know how people manage out here – obviously I will have to learn. The store was super crowded and I’m sure the big game had something to do w/ that, but it was ridiculous. I felt like it was bumper carts the whole way through. I definitely witnessed an old man steel some candy. He grabbed some a handful of chocolate from one of those Brach’s buckets and snuck it in his pocket. It was awesome. I guess that’s his way of sticking it to the man for the ludicrous prices of groceries. I was silently cheering him on.

Mel and I also saw the Bucket List this weekend. It’s inspired us to come up w/ our own list; not necessarily a bucket list b/c we’re not faced w/ imminent death, but a list of things we must do this year. I think at the top of the list is to actually sit down and make the list. We’ll see how that goes…

I’m actually a little upset that I’m living here right now. Apparently Flagstaff just got dumped on w/ 16 inches of snow!!! SIXTEEN INCHES!!! That’s a lot of good snow for a lot of good skiing. Of course, the week I leave. That’s always my luck. But I am having fun out here. I mean, come on. I live three blocks from the Capitol.

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